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A Word on Security in Weston, FL from Protecting Personal Business Information to Bodyguards

For most government agencies security is as much a mindset as locks, passwords and security personnel. Corporate espionage is a fact of life and far more prevalent than most would realize. Most breaches occur when someone is terminated and are angry and upset at being fired. Marginal employees can see the handwriting on the wall and start setting up their employers for the fall.

Protecting Personal Business Information

The gizmo that you are designing and preparing for market represents a lot of R&D, marketing research and prepping for the rollout and represents a significant investment of time, personnel and financial resources. Most corporation hope to dominate a market long enough to recoup their investment. A competitor may not engage willingly to conduct active corporate espionage, but some will readily accept information that will speed-up their own R&D efforts to market a competitive product and partially nullify your companies niche dominance. Unfortunately moral commitment is trumped by the bottom line in business today by many participants.

Operational Security

Most corporate employees are encouraged to be helpful to clients and fellow employees. In the past there are numerous incidents where this helpfulness has aided those with nefarious goals. Successful social engineering depends on this trait of helpfulness. It is imperative that those companies with contracts with the federal government to have a sense for operational security (OpSec) through policy and procedure to ensure the security of sensitive information. Corporations differ from the government that through the course of product development many individuals from design, engineering, manufacturing and marketing are in the need to know category. For some businesses something as simple as their client list is the corporate ‘pot of gold’.

Uniformed & Plain Clothes Undercover Security Personnel

Uniformed and undercover security personnel provide roving security and reinforce physical security, doors, locks, etc. IT personnel monitor and enforce password protections and computer and communications security. In the era of thumb drives and cell phones true security is nearly impossible without resorting to draconian measures.
Personal protection is again a mindset. Walking wide of alleys and building corners lessens the chance of snatch and grab. If your alert to you surrounding, walk with our head held high and keep your head on swivel you lessen the chance of an altercation. Bad guys don’t want to run risks and generally take on the timid who walk with their head down totally oblivious to their surroundings. Any weapon, like keys or a kubotan trumps no weapon at all, knives trump makeshift weapons and never bring a knife to a gunfight. Not advocating violence, but if someone intends violence on you, your chances of survival will may depend on a violent response, with no time for negotiation.

Personal Protection Bodyguards

For those in certain situations, like celebrities and corporate executives, a person protection professional (body guard) may have to be engaged. The escorting pro needs a knowledge of and proficient in close-proximity self-defense techniques and most altercations don’t involve weapons and are up close and personal. The solution must be handled in a low-key manner and with high professional standards as there are usually cameras present, cell phones at the very least. Many former military personnel enter the personal protection profession.

Private Investigator Services & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

One must constantly evaluate the security threats, personally and business wise. Vulnerabilities will always exist, but the security professional needs the ability to be agile in addressing these issues as they become evident. Planning and preparation provide a basis for business and personal. Theft, political or religious aggressive groups and corporate espionage are all concerns. A business has the responsibility to provide a secure environment for both employees and patrons. Advanced Private Investigator and Security offers professional security and private investigation services.

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