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Steps & Investigative Methods in the Forensic Investigation Process Model in Plantation City, FL

From the TV and Movies there appears to be many misconceptions surrounding forensics and crime scene processing. First CSI or crime scene investigator is just that a crime scene investigator. Many agencies utilize civilians as crime scene techs, though armed for personal protection many are not sworn law enforcement officers. They do not have the authority to investigate beyond the crime scene. Most investigators, at least the good ones do however strive to have a good working relationship with the crime scene techs. One thing to remember that runs counter to the entertainment industry is that nearly all evidence in a trial is circumstantial, including evidence obtained at a crime scene.

Forensic Science Meaning

Forensics is defined as the scientific application of tests and techniques use in connection with legal problems involving criminal or civil court applications. Forensically sound techniques and collection of and interpretation of evidence.

Forensic Science Process & Procedure

Forensic personnel tend to specialize in:
Tool marks and trademarks. These are the forensic ballistics guys that matchup bullets, casings and tie them to a specific firearm. Though not a truly technical term, a lot of police departs are creating ballistic forensic labs. As these experts deal with many commercial objects they become very familiar with trademarks as well. But few if any could calculate a ballistic path. They are familiar with terminal ballistics, medical-legal study of what happens when a projectile strikes the target.
Photography. Photography is the primary documentation tool of the crime scene. Photographers were once limited because of budget restraints when dealing with film cameras. Digital cameras can capture hundreds of frames for little or no expense. Modern digital cameras can capture video as well for walk throughs etcetera. Consider surveillance work and it obvious that photography is a key element in criminal and civil investigation. The adage that a picture is worth a thousand words is true, especially in the legal system.
Drawing. The forensic artist can provide drawings of unknow persons related to a crime. And someone need to document the crime scene with annotated diagrams.
Finger prints. Finger print classification is a major contributor to forensic procedure and application.
Analysis. Labs conduct through scientific analysis of recovered evidence. From the DNA experts to insect and geo-spatial experts the Forensic Lab contributes to the overall success of the investigation.
Electronics: As the electronics industry grows a specialty has arisen with forensic electronics. Originally conceived as computer forensics, many forensic electronic specialists found themselves recovering evidence and data from cell phones and iPods.
Psychology. Psychology is becoming a forensic specialty. The forensic psychologist determines the ability of a subject to stand trial, build criminal profiles and generally assess the witnesses.

Private Investigator Services & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

As mentioned the camera is the primary forensic accreditation tool for both surveillance and crime scene documentation. Other facets like polygraph and voice-stress analysis contribute little to court evidence as they are not recognized by the court as to their accuracy. As all physical evidence is circumstantial the specialist/technician must interpret the evidence gathered and establish the evidence’s relativity to crime. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL offers thorough private investigations and expert security services. Contact us today!

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