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Safety Tips & Precautions for Online Dating Sites in Miami FL; Run a Background Check on Potential Suitors!

It seems that predators are everywhere, looking for easy targets to scam or victimize. Unfortunately, it is also present in the online dating arena. Where online dating is supposed to be fun, exciting, and perhaps even life changing in a positive light, it can also be filled with dark people with malicious intentions. We are not trying to scare you out of giving it a try as it can be a very rewarding way to meet new people and get some attention and adoration. However, you must take precautions and be safe while exploring online dating options. Don’t forget, men can be just as easily targeted as women, but women are more common to being victimized by online dating.

Advanced Private Investigator and Security of Miami FL would like to relate a few safety tips for your online dating adventures

Your Online Dating Profile

When creating your online dating profile, often an email needs to be attached. It’s a much safer avenue to create an email you use solely for online dating and avoid using your personal email.
– Use a different password that is completely random, and doesn’t hold any special meaning to you. Always be cautious when logging in on a public or shared computer. Always log yourself out when you are finished.
– When creating your username do not include your real name in any form. Avoid sharing too much personal information. For example, sharing the city you live in is safe, but disclosing the name of the street you live on, or your specific place of work is not so safe.
– Never share financial information with any potential suitor.

Run Background Checks on Potential Dating Matches

It can be very exciting and thrilling engage in new relationships. But most dating sites do not do background checks or any kind of screening to ensure their users are legit. It is up the individual.
– Use your favorite search engine to investigate their name once you have narrowed down potential suitors. Also search their pictures. Often, scammers will steal Facebook photos of other people.
– Search their names on the more popular Social Networking sites.
– After you have connected with someone, do not rush into personal information right away. Take the time to get to know that individual in person. Red flags can manifest once you are in the dating atmosphere.
– Never send anyone money.
– For extra caution, hire a private investigator to conduct a background check and make sure they are who they say they are.


1. For the first couple of dates, meet the person at a public venue. Do not let them know where you live or work until you are comfortable.
2. Let a family member, friend or even a coworker know where you are headed, and an approximate time you intend to be home. Never meet someone without telling anyone.
3. Insist on meeting in a public place. Never meet a new prospect at their home, or in an isolated place.
4. Do not over indulge in alcohol, and never leave your beverages unattended.
5. Keep your cell phone, wallet, keys and any other personal items on your person at all times.
6. If you feel uncomfortable, head home and text or call a friend as to your intentions. Never allow anyone to pressure you into sticking around.
7. Always let your source know when you have safely gotten home.


Scammers are always looking for an easy target. If a Nigerian Prince tells you he is need of money, perhaps let that suitor slide. Any time someone asks for money or financial information, ignore them. People who resist meeting in person, or refuse phone calls should also be removed from the potential list. Don’t be a victim. If the red flags and odd behavior set your instincts in motion, just let it go. If you have sparked interest in someone, but you need the security of confirming a person of interests identity, call Advanced Private Investigator and Security in Miami FL.

Our professional private investigators and security staff are experts and can perform the background check or any other services you require in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida legally and confidentially!

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