• Advanced Private Investigators
  • Surveillance Services
  • Private Investigation Services
  • Private Security Services
  • Private Investigators, Security & Background Checks
  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
  • Professional Private Investigation Services
  • Surveillance Services

Private Investigator Services in Greater Miami, FL; OPM, Digital Evidence Collection, Open Source Intelligence & More!

Trench coats, chain smokers, heavy drinking and gruff talking; the veritable image of a private eye is what many folks conjure. A lot has changed since the hard boiled private detective hit the streets. Modern private detective agencies are advanced professional organizations, utilizing advanced technologies and superior training to conduct successful criminal and civil investigations. Standards for court presentation have advanced required training and professionalism for successful prosecution in criminal and civil matters. Other services offered range from personal protection to intelligence and counter intelligence operations. Many private detectives have backgrounds in law enforcement.

OPM (Office of Personnel Management Federal Investigative Services

Many government contractors need to conduct due diligence and background investigations in part to satisfy military security obligations. A growing concern of the corporate world is the people they hire for trusted positions. It would probably be unwise to place “Harry the hacker” in your IT department or “Frank the fraudster” in charge of your financial accounts. The scariest is hiring an intelligence agent bent on stealing proprietary intellectual property, your client lists or next to be released “wiz bang product”.

Digital Evidence Collection Procedures

Electronic gadgets are used for entertainment; communications and other multiple applications that have proliferated in today’s civilization. Criminals use these devices for other more nefarious purposes. To investigate the crimes the modern private eye conducts surveillance, prepares forensic evidence gathered from computers, cell phones and other electronic devices and provides electronic security.

Open Source Intelligence Tools & Techniques

The internet provides countless sources of what is referred to “open source” intelligence. Agencies private and public utilize the social media to find missing persons, track down bail skips and to provide insight into corporate intelligence and counter intelligence. It is truly amazing that so many of us will post self-damning information on the internet or leave ourselves open to the predators of society. How many have posted their super-vacation itinerary on Facebook to return home and find it stripped of all valuables? How many teens have been seduced by sexual predators on the internet? Some large police and federal agencies commit resources to finding and prosecute these individuals. Beware what you post on the internet; there are hostile eyes watching.

International Private Investigators

International corporations need the service of private investigators capable of conducting international investigations. These agencies must comply with the laws and ordinances in those countries in which they operate. Advanced training and equipment are required. A modern professional investigation agency is capable of conducting worldwide investigations.

Private Investigator Surveillance

These most mind numbing, sometimes boring and time consuming operations conducted by law enforcement, private investigators and government agencies is surveillance. Some aspects of these daunting operations are relieved by the application of surveillance cameras and other electronic devices. Rolling surveillance is especially difficult without allocating sufficient resources. Many smaller police agencies don’t have these resources. Rolling surveillance needs good communications and three to five preferably two-man vehicles to be successful. Large private investigation agencies have many of these resources and provide training to conduct these operations.

Private Investigator Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

The services of a private investigation agency operate under professional standards, maybe literally “life saving”. Advanced Private Investigator and Security of Miami FL offers our valuable services to anyone in need, contact us if you are in need of our private investigator services or security services today!

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