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Pre-Employment Background Checks in Plantation City, FL; Employability Skills Checklist & More

There exists a lot of reasons why many companies require a background check. They can very from cursory to deep. In-house to external contractors. Many just want to check that they are considering hiring those of high moral character without added luggage in the form of disciplinary actions, etc. Many just want to verify educational and special training. At one time it was thought that over 85% of applicants lie or embellish educational, professional or training accomplishments or previous salary and other matters or achievements.

Employers Can Easily Check Education on Resumes

It is in the interest of the business to separate those who are honest from those who are not. Don’t think your potential employer isn’t clued into this fact. If you claim to have graduated from some fancy school like Harvard or Princeton this is easily confirmed through the National Student Clearinghouse. So, education is no secret and very easy to check.

Employability Skills Checklist

KSA; knowledge, skills and abilities. Put down you speak French, this is easily tested. You can program anything, hmm, all they need is give you a quick assignment to verify that. Remember, you may be requested to demonstrate your skills, another area most employers realize that a certain amount of inflation and aggrandizement occurs on the app under “skills.” Don’t be vague about skills and experience. Your answering in vague terms like “familiar with” and “involved in” won’t cut it.

Employment History Check

“It just don’t look right” (JDLR) or it doesn’t add up. Dates! About 25% of applicants fib about past employment dates. A call to your past employer is all it takes to verify employment. Employment dates by year set off the ‘spidey’ sense of anyone reviewing you’re app, it is a ‘tell’. Acceptable practice in to use both the month and the year.

Resume Presentation

Everybody exhibits ‘voice’ in any written document. A pristine resume and a sloppy cover letter are a giveaway “you’re not what you say you are.” You’re not being totally honest. You have gotten some help or copied someone else’s resume. During the interview if you are ‘edgy’ or vague about key past work details, this is a giveaway your specialty is fiction not fact.

Creative Job Titles

What’s in a title. Well inflated job titles come to light with a call to your ex-employer. Remember a savvy human sources types become very capable of picking of clues from body language. Simple things like lack of eye contact or constant fidgeting are clues to dishonesty.

Background Checks, Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

What this means is that your job app is fodder for your background check. Your application, resume and if necessary, a security background form rounds out the documents used to pursue a in depth background check. In those states not making criminal information public plus other data needed, you may shave to sign release forms for driver’s license checks, criminal and civil activity releases and possible educational transcripts. Deep penetration background checks for those who will hold positions of responsibility or trust. Another area requiring in depth backgrounds is if your new potential employment is for military or governmental contractor. Background checks begin with the application and resume. In fact, many job apps are designed to provide leads to your background investigation. Currently, be prepared to submit to a background investigation for employment. If you aren’t sure what could be uncovered, give us a call to find out first!
Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL can handle all your background checks, private investigation and security needs.

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