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Domestic Private Investigations & Operations in Fort Lauderdale, FL; Background Checks, Nanny Cams, Missing Persons & More

Most private investigators are regularly involved in domestic investigations. Domestic investigation involve far more than divorce cases and catching an unfaithful spouse in the act of cheating. One of the primary problems that we deal with is trust, given the raise in nanny/babysitter situations dealing with child abuse or endangerment.

Background Checks for Employers of Nannies, Landscapers, Handymen etc

A nanny or house cleaning personnel background check rates high on the list, after all you are inviting this individual into your home and entrusting them with the lives of your children and your home treasures. Another is the gardener and home maintenance person that in effect has access to the peripheral grounds and home exterior. Pilfering and petty theft are common problems associated with cleanup and home maintenance crews. To establish a trusting professional relationship documentation of prior employment, criminal records, education verification, references and civil records can shed light on the character and trust worthiness of the individual(s).
Illicit drug and alcohol proliferation may lead members of the domestic unit to become substance dependent leading to crimes of larceny to support their habit.

Nanny Cam Audio & Video Surveillance

Surveillance including nanny cams and audio recordings can ensure your domicile’s safety when you are absent. The resulting video and photos are admissible in court. Many systems can be remotely accessed through your phone. Many of us don’t realize that we are self documenting our misconduct daily by recording our activities on our computers and communications devices. Computer and cell phones contain significant evidence that can be used to document illicit activities. Emails, files, texts and even deleted data can be recovered to support an investigation.

Public Records Search

Stalking, blackmail or the need to serve legal court documents such as restraining orders dictate that a Public Records search can accomplish locating individuals of interest. Public records include both civil records like land deeds and liens, as well as criminal backgrounds. Similar to a background check a public records check delves deeper into family history, location and of course criminal histories.

Missing Person Investigations

Missing persons is a persistent problem with minors and sometimes the elderly. If an adult goes missing there has to be 24 hour delay in reporting as an adult can come and go as he pleases, unless circumstances indicate foul play or disability. Though reported immediately, the majority of runaways return home within 72 hours. Again unless circumstances indicate foul play or the person is under 10 or 12 years of age there will be a delay in police response due to the high volume of cases. Fact is there are just not enough public resources to investigate most missing persons cases. However, the private investigator is not under any restraints and can devote the resources, time and energy to conduct an investigation.

Private Investigator Divorce & Child Custody Battles

In divorce cases the documentation of the activities of an unfaithful spouse can impact the distribution of assets and debt favorably in the interests of the aggrieved party. Child custody situations will be impacted by the submission of evidence derived from the efforts of and contributed by the private investigator.

Drug Addiction Investigations

Many with a chemical dependency will pilfer or commit larceny to support their need. Electronics, jewelry, firearms and cash are taken to be fenced or pawned to provide the revenue to continue their habit. Gambling and destructive alcohol use can lead to the conversion of joint assets to further fund the dependencies. A private investigator can document these activities, hopefully to gain the leverage on the individual to seek help and rehabilitation. Most of these individuals know that they are engaged in a self destructive spiral, and some really want help. Confronted by the evidence as to their activities will hopefully force them to face up to the reality of their situation and seek a remedy.

Domestic Private Investigations in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

Domestic investigations are primarily to protect your home and family. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida has extensive experience in both domestic investigations on American soil and international investigations overseas. Contact us for answers to your most pressing questions.

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