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What to Do if You Are Being Stalked or Harassed in Davie, FL; How to Avoid & Prove Stalking

A stalker’s behavior to an outsider can appear unthreatening and friendly. Showering the victim with flowers or other gifts, flattering notes, and other seemingly tokens of admiration and affection. But when these acts are unwelcome, the victim feels intruded on and can even feel frightened if they let the person know that the attention is unwanted. The process of stalking not only induces fear for the victim, but it disrupts their lives. With that in mind, we at Advanced Investigators and Security would like to take the opportunity to shine some light on stalking and offer some tips for the victim to help you feel safe.

Stalking Statistics

Annually in the United States alone, an estimated 1 million women and 400,000 men are stalked. At some point during their lives, more 8 million women and 2 million men will be stalked. According to reported cases, stalking generally lasts two years on average and one study shows that 25% victims had to take time from work to deal with their stalking problems. Typically, women are most likely to be stalked, were 78% of cases were women and more often than not, they were stalked by former intimate partners, such as spouses, boyfriends, or live-in significant others; meanwhile fewer are stalked by strangers. Stalkers are 90% men. They can be anyone from strangers, acquaintances, friends, co-workers, former lovers, and so on. Stalking can be physical or digital, and not all stalkers have mental illnesses, in fact most do not.

Examples of Stalking Conduct

Stalking is defined by a repeated pattern of unwanted harassment, attention, and contact. Such conduct includes the following:
– Laying in wait or following their victim.
– Via phone, mail, email, communication is repeated with unwanted, intrusive, and frightening.
– Victim’s property is damaged or vandalized.
– Direct or indirect threats are given to harm victims, family, friends or pets.
– Sending unwanted gifts repeatedly.
– Harassing through any means; public record, garbage, loved ones, work, social media, and any other resources.

Private Investigator Stalking & Harassment Investigations

Depending on the state, stalking can be difficult to charge without any serious maliciousness. Unfortunately, for the victims it can be very dangerous as the stalker continues to escalate. Victims should always make police reports and consider hiring a private investigator to gather evidence. In some instances, the victim may not know who their stalker is, and a private investigator can help find the identity.

Dealing with Stalking Behavior

Trust your instincts and minimize interaction with the stalker and never dismiss or take their behavior lightly. For any reason you feel unsafe, assume you are not and seek assistance promptly. Create different routes to work and take them randomly. Get rides with colleagues, family members or friends to work, stick with other parents to pick up the kids from school, try to leave the home at different times every day, take out the trash just prior to garbage day if possible, and try to have people around you whenever you run errands.

Private Investigations, Security & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

We at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida know the trauma having a stalker can do, especially when there is little law enforcement can do until it gets particularly dangerous. If you have a stalker, call us today and we will start to collect the evidence against them and help you feel safe.

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