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What is the Most Common Form of Insurance Fraud or Abuse in Plantation, FL?

When it comes to fraud, it comes in all shapes and sizes. One major way that people commit this crime is through insurance companies. There are many different types of insurance fraud out there, and it can be quite a big job to catch all these people trying to take advantage of the system. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL is here to talk about the different types of insurance fraud out there.

Car Insurance Fraud

When people try and use their vehicle to make an insurance claim when there wasn’t an incident to report in the first place, it is automotive insurance fraud. Many people will make false claims about what happened when in reality, they shouldn’t be trying to get any money from their insurance company. Some examples of auto insurance fraud include:
– Staged accidents that didn’t actually happen
– False reports of stolen or vandalized vehicles
– Attempting to make a claim about damage that had previously existed
– Attempting to collect money when the driver that caused the accident wasn’t covered under their policy

Health Insurance Abuse

People will claim that they are hurt or having ailments that aren’t actually there to get money from their health insurance company as well in another type of insurance fraud. Sometimes, patients will team up with their doctors to commit the fraud together. Sometimes, health providers will work on their own as well. This can come from using benefits for prescriptions that weren’t described by your doctor, allowing another individual to use your identity to get treatment, and more. Providers can commit fraud by charging for more expensive procedures than were provided, billing for services and supplies that weren’t used, performing unnecessary procedures for their own gain and more.

Homeowners Insurance Fraud

All homeowners that owe a mortgage company for their home will be required to have a homeowners insurance policy on that house. There are several ways that homeowners can use this policy to make fraudulent claims to their insurance company as well. Trying to get more money than you should for stolen items, intentionally damaging the property to make a claim, staging a burglary, and other deceitful schemes are uses to try and drain an insurance company of money that the homeowner doesn’t deserve are all types of homeowner insurance fraud.

False Worker’s Comp Claims

When an employee is hurt on the job, they will be provided with worker’s compensation to help them pay their bills while they are unable to work. When an employee pretends that their injuries are more severe than they actually are, or stage an accident to claim this money, it is fraud.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Hialeah, Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach & Miami Gardens Florida

If you are stuck dealing with an insurance fraud case you can’t crack open, you can rely on Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL to help you get proof of the fraud that you’re dealing with. Call us today!

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