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What is Fatal Attraction Syndrome in Miami Shores, FL? How to Stop Harassment & Stalking

Fatal attraction syndrome or stalking is a crime that affects 3.4 million people a year according to the National Center for Victims of Crime. Many victims feel helpless and are unsure of how to stop the harassment since it is frequently ignored by local law officials. In the fight against stalking, a private investigator is a valuable ally to have. To any victim who feels threatened, a trained private investigator can assess threats, gather evidence for a potential court case, and provide protection. Today, we at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL would like to further elaborate on the subject.

What is it to Stalk a Person?

Determining the exact meaning of stalking is important firstly. Stalking is defined as “a repetitive pattern of unwanted, harassing or threatening behavior committed by one person against another” according to the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center. Because of explicit or implied threats of bodily harm or death, usually these behaviors cause the victim immediate concern for their safety. A persistent pattern of conduct that is unwanted by the person to whom it is directed is typically included stalking behavior. Other general behaviors are:
– Trespassing
– Harm to the victim, others or oneself is threatened
– Surveillance of the victim
– Spreading false rumors about the victim
– Sending harassing or unsolicited e-mails (cyber stalking)
– Making unwanted and unwelcome phone calls
– Giving unwanted gifts or flowers
– Following the victim
– Property damage
From low intensity to severe and aggressive levels, these behaviors can range. It is best to rely on a trained professional for protection because stalkers can be extremely unpredictable. To charge a stalker with a crime, most of the behaviors listed above are not reason enough for law officials. Unfortunately, not much can be done until a crime is committed in many cases. Generally, the victim is the one who needs to gather the evidence of long-term harassment. When it comes to stopping a stalker, this is why a private investigator is truly an asset.

How Can Private Investigators Help with Stalking?

An investigator can combat harassment and stalking with quite a few ways. Identifying the person or persons who are harassing you is usually the starting point. The victim may not be able to recognize or even know his or her stalker in many instances. Cyber stalkers, letter writers, and anonymous phone callers can all be identified through the investigators that have access to resources. To ensure that the identity of the stalker is correct, they use services, such as reverse cell phone lookup, and many others.

Gather & Collect Evidence for a Stalker Case

In order to support the victim’s claim of harassment, one of the most important services an investigator provides is collecting and gathering evidence against the stalker. In your case, detailed written documentation of activities by the pursuer as well as videos of events can be used to justify legal involvement. You can improve the chances that he or she will be charged with a crime by keeping a record of all activities and interactions with your stalker. In a potential civil or criminal case as well, the evidence collected can be used.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

Should you feel you are being harassed by a stalker, call in the professionals of Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL and let our certified experts assist you today!

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