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  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
  • Professional Private Investigation Services
  • Surveillance Services

What Do Private Investigators Do when Working with Attorneys in a Criminal or Civil Cases in Hialeah, FL

Most private investigators have had a number of clients with various positions. Many clients are parents, spouses, business owners and attorneys. Private investigator and attorneys make an interesting partnership which can help bring to light many truths that can aid a case. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL will share the different ways private investigators aid attorneys and their cases.

Fact Finding Techniques

Attorneys are well educated in the law and in planning legal strategies for each of their cases. However, sometimes that is not enough. They often need help digging deeper into the truth of certain matters. This is where private investigators step in and help. Private investigators are trained in the skills that aid attorneys. Private investigators can help seek out documents and records that the attorney needs for their cases. The paper trail often leads to the facts that the attorneys need to assist their case.

Locate People & Witnesses

Depending on the nature of the case, many attorneys require witnesses that they themselves cannot find or contact. Other cases may require the presence of an individual during civil or criminal cases who may choose not to participate. When a witness or other individuals needs to be present during a court case and can’t be found or contacted, often a private investigator can help locate the person for the attorney. It is surprising to know how often a private investigator is needed to locate a person for attorneys. When this happens, the attorney will often seek out a private investigator.

Follow Up Investigative Leads

During a court case, certain elements may be presented on the opposing side which may not seem accurate. Perhaps the attorney needs more information to properly connect the dots. Often during fraud investigations, certain aspects of the case become questionable. Often when seeking out the truth, a private investigator is hired to dig deeper and follow all of the proper paper trails to help them unearth the truth of the matter. During fraud investigations, certain elements may be buried deep to prevent certain evidence of their activities coming to light. Again, a private investigator can help attorneys as their cases may take unexpected turns and help the attorney discover all the facts as the case progresses.

Find Hidden Bank Accounts & Assets

Many cases revolve around money, especially during business disputes. During a lawsuit that may include situations of fraud, divorce, and business disputes, many will attempt to keep certain assets under the radar, mainly financial and property assets. When the attorney needs to locate these hidden assets, often they seek private investigators to help go through the mass of paperwork and find the trail. All assets have a trail and can be traced by a skillful investigator.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

There are many ways a private investigator can help attorneys and their clients. When a case needs more information to help build a strong strategy for the attorney, contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL. We provide many investigative services and work happily alongside the attorney and their clients to find the truth. Contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL today.

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