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What Can A Fraud Investigator Do For You & Your Business in Fort Lauderdale, FL? Insurance Fraud, Divorce, Party at Fault in Accident & More

A fraud investigator is not only used for huge crimes but for many other criminal activities that could potentially harm someone or their business. Fraud is when someone wrongfully commits a crime that in intended to result in gain either financially or personally. This can be on a small scale or can extend to a much bigger range. If you suspect that you are a victim of fraud on any level you want to contact a fraud investigator as soon as possible to have the investigation started.

Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida Lists Ways That a Fraud Investigator Can Help You

Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud: One area that a fraud investigation is necessary is if an insurance company believes that a person is not being truthful about in injury or illness. There are claims every year where a person says they are too injured in an accident to live a normal life. The insurance company along with the attending physician need to determine the truthfulness of that statement. Medical tests can be part of it but a fraud investigator is another. The investigator is able to follow the person when they leave an appointment to see if they are following the doctors’ orders. If they leave with a neck brace and throw it in the back seat halfway down the road they could be deceitful on their insurance claim. A fraud investigator can save the company lots of money which is great for the people that actually need the insurance claim.
Who Is at Fault In a Car or Other Accident: There are many car accidents that are under investigation. Each person claims that the other person is at fault so that they are not held liable. Unless you have the actual incident on film you may need to have an investigator to look at the reports and the cars to determine who could be held liable for the accident. Making sure the person that is truly at fault is held responsible is a relief to those injured or harmed at no fault of their own.
Divorce Investigation: When a marriage seems to be coming to an end and there is a stipulation on the marriage you may need an investigator. The spouse could be claiming that the other person is breaking part of the marriage decree and trying to still collect alimony or a settlement. If there is a reason to suspect foul play in a divorce where one person is lying about their activities during the marriage it can call for an investigator. We are able to tail the person in question to see if they are staying faithful. We are also able to collect the evidence and present it so that it can be used at a hearing.

Fraud Private Investigations & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida.

If you hire an investigator to look for signs of fraud in any way you want to be sure that you have a good experienced investigator. They should offer a full detailed report and their findings as well as offer to appear in court if it is necessary. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida offers expert private investigator services. Contact us for more information today!

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