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Tips to Survive Active Shooting Situations in Coral Gables, FL; Be Aware of Surroundings & More

There are many public shootings across the U.S. and other countries where one or a few armed assailants randomly take their rage and extreme beliefs and begin shooting innocent people. Where some in the last few years have targeted religious groups, races, or other specific groups of people, others are simply waltzing into public areas and shooting anyone who had the misfortune of being in their path. Where these tragedies are heartbreaking to say the least, there is much to debate on who’s responsible and how they can be prevented. Many commercial entities will do good to increase security in their business to decrease the risk and help to respond in situations such as these sooner. However, today, we at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL would like to offer a few tips for common people to help them survive in situations where they may find themselves in the path of an active shooter. It has been said that the best law enforcement agencies in the country have a response of a matter of minutes to get to the scene of the shooter, but unfortunately, a violent criminal prioritizing taking lives only needs seconds. Below are a few tips to survive an active shooter.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Having a 360-degree awareness of your surroundings can help in such situations. Experts recommend first looking for the exits. Knowing where you can get out of the building the fastest is vital. Look for cover, hard surfaces can potentially stop projectiles or at least slow them down. If there are no exits, looking for cover to help you escape the area is ideal. Look for potential items to defend yourself. There may be some situations that will not allow flight, but you will need to fight your way out of the spot.

Fight or Flight Response

Escape or evacuate is the top priority. When it comes to flight or fight in active shooting situations, you want flight. You are the only thing that matters, leave personal belongings behind if need be. It is always better to put distance between yourself and the threat. Hiding and barricading yourself is a difference, be sure to turn out the lights, silence cellphones, and prepare for an attack. If you are with a group a people stuck in a room, have people spread out from different angles to attack the perpetrator.

Arm Yourself

If you have taken the time to attain a concealed carry permit and be sure to always have a weapon ready at the legal venues. Take the time to practice on gun ranges and classes. Be prepared to defend yourself with your weapon if you are in a situation where a predator is actively shooting. Otherwise, knife, scissors, fire extinguishers, chairs, lamp, and other objects can help you defense if there are no other options. If you must attack someone who is actively shooting innocent bystanders, be sure to not hesitate and avoid putting other people in harms way if this the only route you feel you need to take.

Private Investigator & Security Services & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

If you are looking to beef up the security of your business to help protect your employees and customers from potential active shooters, call Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL and let us help you increase your security options.

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