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  • Surveillance Services
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  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
  • Professional Private Investigation Services
  • Surveillance Services

Surveillance; Why Would a Private Investigator Be Looking for or Following Me in Weston, FL?

A private investigator provides an array of different services for their clients. Depending on the needs of their client and the nature of the case, at times surveillance is often required to find answers. Surveillance is a technique used by private investigators to get visual proof or evidence. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL would like to share some of the common investigation services that will use surveillance to help gain evidence for their clients.

Types of Private Investigator Surveillance Cases

When a private investigator feels that a case for their client will require surveillance services there are certain goals they wish to achieve. One of the primary goals of surveillance services is to witness and document certain behaviors. Here are some of the common types of cases that often involves surveillance services.
Safety Concerns for Child(ren) – When a child or children’s safety or wellbeing is in jeopardy, a concerned parent or legal guardian will look for answers. During a divorce or a custody case, at times children will split days of the week between different parents or guardians. At times a child or children may be under abuse in some way from a parent or guardian. Other situations where a child’s safety may be compromised is when they are at a day care or under the care of a nanny or babysitter. Surveillance is a great tool to document any type of abuse.
Safety Concerns for Elderly: Children are not the only ones who are targeted for abuse. At times we depend on the care of other to help watch over our parents or grandparents. We often place our loved ones in homes for the elderly, nursing homes, or hire a caretaker to stay with them in their home. Sadly, there are times when our elderly family members can become a victim of abuse. Again, you can hire a private investigator to help bring evidence to your particular case.
Locating a Person: At times a client may need help locating a person that may not want any contact with the client. At times a client may want to confirm the wellbeing of another. Even though the target may not want to be contacted, a surveillance team can provide documentation of the person.
Surveillance of Employees: This is used when an employer becomes suspicious that an employee is stealing, committing work compensation fraud, or other internal affairs that may affect the employer. A business owner that believes they are being victimized by their own employees often will reach out to a private investigator. Surveillance services can monitor employees to provide the employer proof that an employee was victimizing the business.
Insurance Companies: One entity that frequently seeks out private investigation and surveillance services is the insurance companies. Many people will claim to be injured and are effected with a disability and seek aid with insurance or welfare programs. When an insurance company suspects disability or injury fraud they will hire a private investigator to preform surveillance services to see if a person has a legitimate disability or injury.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

These are just a few reasons why private investigators use surveillance services to gain picture or video evidence. For quality private investigation and security services, contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami, FL.

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