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Signs of Covert Eavesdropping or Bugging Devices Present in Your Pine Island Ridge, FL Home

There are many instances where a home or hotel room is bugged. Some people have found that they are renting a vacation home or hotel only to find that the space has been bugged, and some creep has been spying on them. When your privacy is compromised like this, it is a violating feeling. If you have any inkling that your rental home, or home has been bugged, there are ways to find out for sure. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida is here to share some tips to help you find any eavesdropping devices or bugs in your home.

Inspect Your Home for Listening Bugs

Giving the space a good sweep is probably the most important part of finding any bugs in a home. You need to be looking in the most obvious areas of the home for these devices. This may include lamps, vases, light fixtures and inside smoke detectors and air filters. Another tip for finding eavesdropping devices is to pay close attention to any décor that may look like it has been tampered with. This may be a picture that isn’t quite straight, random fixtures that look out of place, or any pinholes that could be hiding a lens behind them.

Listening Close for Noises

During the initial sweep of the home, listen closely for the low clicks and buzzing that may be present when eavesdropping devices are near. If there are any cameras that are activated using motion sensor, you may be able to hear a quiet humming that is often audible when they are turned on.

Turn Off the Lights to Detect Listening Devices

Many surveillance cameras have a small green or red light when they are on. If you are looking for cameras, try turning off all the lights in the room and scanning the space for any trace of these lights. You can also find out if there are any two way mirrors by shining a flashlight at them. One side of the mirrors has to be well-lit when compared to the other side.

Your Phone May Help You Find a Listening Bug

Did you know that your cellphone can help you find bugs in the house? Often, your cellphone service is interrupted by covert eavesdropping devices. When you are using your phone, walk around the room. If there are areas that start to make a clicking sound go off on your phone, you could be standing near a device that is listening in on your conversations.

Invest in a RF Signal Detector

For the regular traveler, it may not be worth it to invest in your privacy. If you find that you are a frequent traveler and are staying in rental homes and hotels often, you may want to invest in an RF signal detector. These small devices can be helpful in finding any hidden devices that are invading your privacy.

Bug Sweeps, Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

Someone watching or listening in on you and your conversations without your knowledge is serious. You can rely on the experts at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida to help you find any listening devices that could be hidden in your home. Call us today!

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