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Procedure for How Do You File a Missing Persons Report & What Happens After in Davie, FL

When or if a loved one goes missing it can become a very stressful time. Some may wonder if or when they should file a missing person’s report. We know there are a lot of questions a person can have when it comes to filing a missing person’s report. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida would like to help guide and answer some of those common questions that occur when it comes to filing a missing person’s report and some of the critical information that helps aid this particular type of case.

What is Considered a Missing Person & When Can You File a Report

Waiting Period – Most people are easily influenced by movies and TV shows. Often you will hear there must be a 24 to 48 hour waiting period before you can report a person missing. This is a very old protocol that “Hollywood” has yet to catch up on. There is NO waiting period, especially in the case of a child, the elderly, or those with life threatening medical needs. File a report as soon as the person cannot be located. The truth in most missing person cases is that the first 48 hours is critical in finding a missing person. When the individual isn’t where they are supposed to be, or can’t be found when you expect them to be at a specific place, or you’re unable to make expected contact with them, file a missing persons report.
Qualification of a Missing Person – Some may ask what qualifies as a missing person. Can someone hiding from you for legal reasons be missing? Can an adult with the freedom to go wherever they want, or not make contact with others be considered as a missing person? Missing persons isn’t just children or the elderly. Yes, an adult has the right not to explain there whereabouts. However, if a person has certain habits of returning home or maintaining contact, and they don’t follow their known habits, and you’re unable to make contact or locate them, it’s a cause for concern. Even if a person is intentionally avoiding you for legal reasons, they too can be filed as a missing person. However, the situation may change the nature of the report. Any person can be filed as a missing person regardless of age, relationship, or the nature of the case.
Bring Proper Information – When filing a missing person report make sure to bring all the information needed to better assist the case. It is recommended to bring a photograph of the missing person and the most current photo. Preferably one with an image of the person from the shoulders up. Multiple photos can also be useful especially if there are any identifying marks on their body such as birthmarks or tattoos. Also give a description of the clothing the person was wearing last before they went missing.
Additional Details – When filing the report make sure to give the age, weight, height, hair and eye color. Also make sure to give the missing person’s mental and physical state. List any medical conditions which can make the disappearance more life threatening. The last known whereabouts is helpful. Any additional information such as enemies the missing person would have or other leads you can provide that might’ve caused the person to go missing can be helpful.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

In most cases, the officer filing the report will ask the most important question to aid the search of the missing person. However, it helps to know what to expect and what information is needed when filing the report. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida can help in the search for missing persons. If you have such a need, contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security. We will assist in the missing person case.

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