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Physical Security Threats & Vulnerabilities in Westchester, FL; Uniformed Guards to Prevent Theft & More

Security personnel are necessary to protect business assets, including their client customer base. The duties that security personnel perform run the gamut from unarmed and untrained to experienced professional that are armed and proficient.

Uniformed Security to Prevent Theft in Retail

A theft deterrent is provided by uniformed security in a retail business environment. The uniform identifies the person as confident, proficient, and intimidating for would be thieves. The presence of identifiable security personnel help to reduce inventory shrinkage by reason of customer and employee theft. Employee theft is a major problem for retail businesses, sometimes exceeding the loss from shop lifters.

Security Guard Tools & Equipment

Most uniformed security officers carry various tools. Security officers make use of handcuffs, chemical weapons (mace or pepper spray) and an impact tool. Impact tools include either the classical police baton or a collapsible metal baton. Batons are made from wood, metal or plastics. They include straight or the PR-24 type with a side handle. The ASP type all metal collapsing batons are becoming very popular with both security and police forces. These tools are used as personal protection and for controlling a combative person. This equipment is a recognized as acceptable implements for the both police forces and security guards.

Concert & Venue Security

Hotels, casinos and other entertainment or service industry venues may employ both armed (meaning firearms) and unarmed security. They represent the company and provide assistance in medical emergencies, directional assistance and other services for the company. Casinos, concerts, and sporting events dictate an armed presence. These sites are an attractive target for terrorists. An armed response to any attack will be necessary to protect your clients and personnel.

What is Plain Clothes Security

Plain clothes security provide a covert method to protect employees and the business owner. These operatives provide roving surveillance. They can intercept “purse snatchers,” a specific problem in large sporting, political or entertainment events. They can watch and observe employees to ensure security of assets. Non-uniformed security may also be responsible for conducting internal investigations, personal protection for VIPs and other routine assignments better suited to civilian clothing versus the uniformed presence.

Close Threat Encounters in Personal Protection

A close encounter response will dictate knowledge of open hand, weaponless defense techniques. These situations evolve rapidly, with the threat materializing over close, short distances requiring instant reaction and little opportunity to deploy a weapon or non-lethal tool. Close threat encounters occur routinely in personal protection assignments. A weaponless reaction is usually a low profile response, limiting reaction from patrons occupying your business. Obviously given the multitude of potential situations encountered by security officers, an effective training background is mandated. Security operations provide essential protection for the business to thrive, but also potential liability for their actions must be considered as well.

Range Training for Armed Personnel

Simply hiring untrained and tested persons could be a potential legal Armageddon for the business establishment. Well trained, tested and evaluated personnel will mitigate a future legal confrontation. It is essential that your security is not only well trained, but the training is documented. For armed personnel records of range training and a documented range qualification is a must. Police agencies confront this problem on a regular basis, require at minimum quarterly training, and at the minimum, biannual qualification. During civil litigation the documentation of any all training may prevent or minimize any awarded damages.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

It is incumbent for any entity, government or business venture to have a well trained, well documented and certified security solution. This includes training, experience and background.
Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL can meet all your private investigator and security needs. Contact us today!

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