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How to Prevent, Stop & Solve Vandalism Problems in Your Pine Island Ridge, FL Neighborhood

Vandalism is both unsightly and expensive, especially when you need to clean, repair and protect your property. Both residential and commercial properties can easily become victims of vandalism. Vandalism may include graffiti, broken windows, broken doors, equipment damage and even theft. Today Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida will share a few vandalism prevention tips to help protect your property and stop the disturbances.

Property Weaknesses for Vandalism

When your property continue to be vandalized there are two common circumstances, one is opportunity the second is reason. In many cases vandalism is due to anger from a group or person or the property provided plenty of opportunity for trespassers to enter without being seen or noticed. If you are aware of a group or person that may have a grudge against you or your business, be extra cautious. A grudge isn’t always needed. Sometimes it may just be opportunity. If you have areas hidden in shadows, poor lighting or poor security, you are making it easier to be vandalized. If you are aware of any group or person that may be responsible for vandalism, make a record. Next check the perimeter, and look for weaknesses. Learn why certain areas are targeted and how vandals may be gaining access to the property.

Improve Security to Prevent Acts of Vandalism

After you have inspected your property, make notes of the weaknesses. You will want to improve the property’s security. Adding more light is an easy way to help deter trespassers. You can use either motion sensors lights or stationary lights work fine. You may want to add cameras especially in the more active places for vandalism. Additionally, create layers of defense or security. Having a fence on the outside is one layer, lights and camera systems are a secondary layer. Good locks and a security system on the windows and doors add a third layer. Each layer helps deter intruders. The more determined vandals will need to find a way to deal with each layer of security. Only those who are very determined will attempt all three layers. In most cases they will be caught if they happen to make it that far. When your home, business or property is being vandalized don’t take too long to respond. It sends a message that you are in fact watching and are taking further steps to protect your property and even catch those in the act of vandalizing your property.

Video Surveillance on Private Property & Hiring a Patrol Officer

After you have improved the property’s security, there is another or additional step you can take. If you want to discover who is behind the vandalism to press charges you can hire a private investigator to set up surveillance and watch for and record any trespassers and catch them in the act of vandalizing your property. If you’re more interested in protecting your property you can also hire a patrol officer either on foot or one who drives by and checks on the property at random hours. Their presence is often all that is needed to deter trespassers.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

If your home or business is being vandalized regularly, don’t hesitate to contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida. We can help provide better security and investigate who is behind the vandalism. Contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida today!

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