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How a Private Investigator Finds Where Someone Lives or Works in Kendale Lakes, FL

You may think that private investigators have special powers when it comes to finding people, but we really don’t. They use some of the same tools we use, but they do have an edge with certain databases, instinct and know-how.

How Private Investigators Look for & Find People

1. Investigative database. Private investigators have access to databases that are professional-grade. These databases include public records, credit information, telephone information, social media and information regarding people and businesses. There are even more advanced databases that are only available to licensed private investigators. These databases can get more information from other sources.
2. Public records. There is a lot of information that can be gathered from public records. These records include property transactions, government records and corporation records. The only problem with this information is that it can be fractured and not easy to get. Private investigators can use their services to collect millions of public records.
3. Court records. Added to information that can be obtained from public records, court records can reveal information about current and past records regarding a person or a business. These records can be very informative. There are also civil lawsuits that can be informative. These can include information about disputes with employees and sexual harassment allegations.
4. Internet. The internet millions and millions of pages about any topic you can think of and is a great tool to locate people. However, it can be hard to decipher whet is credible and reliable information.
5. News Archives. It may surprise you to learn that you can’t find everything on the internet for free. Many times, you need to pay a fee to get historical news coverage. Private investigators have access to information that can’t be found on the Internet or on Google.
6. Social Media Networks. Like it or not, social media is here to stay. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are very popular and can provide a plethora of information.
7. Garbage. In many states, the garbage you take out to the curb no longer belongs to you once it gets there. Think about important information you might be leaving for anyone to find and use. It’s best to shred papers with important information.
8. Government Repositories. Various state and federal government agencies provide military records, state government records and federal government contract information. If it can’t be found online, it can be requested with state legislation like the federal Freedom of Information Act.
9. Human Intelligence. This simply involves talking to a persons’ friends, neighbors and colleagues or using surveillance to gather information.
10. Department of Motor Vehicles. No one likes to go to the DMV, but it can provide a lot of information, like a person’s date of birth, their height and weight and whether they have traffic infractions. In some states you can find out if a person has ever been charged with a DUI (driving under the influence) and some states even provide information regarding license suspensions for failure to pay child support.

Private Investigations & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

If you’ve gone through all the options available to you and still can’t find who you’re looking for, then contact the private investigators at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL for help.

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