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Guide to Father’s Child Custody Rights in Boca Raton FL; Joint VS Sole Custody, Father’s Rights & Family Law Investigations

Getting married and starting a family is a life changing commitment along with being one of the major life events that we can ever hope to experience. While we have every intention of staying married and providing for the entire family unit, sometimes this just doesn’t work out to be the case. For a variety of reasons, we may find ourselves engulfed in divorce proceedings along with the ensuing custody battle with our future ex-spouse. For fathers, custody rights are not always as clear cut as the rights of the mother.

Father Gaining Joint of Full Sole Custody of His Children

In Florida, the chances of a father gaining sole custody are fairly high but it does take a considerable amount of work on the part of the father. For example, Florida laws requires that both parents attend a parenting class before they finalize their divorce. For the father, showing up on time and participating goes a long way to proving to the court that you are a conscientious father that takes a genuine interest in the life of his child or children. For many divorcees, the only way to successfully gain custody of their child is through a child custody investigation conducted by a professional.

Fathers Rights & Child Custody Investigations

If this is the case, a private investigator service, such as the knowledgeable experts at Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL can help you. While this may seem a very drastic step, consider this, there is nothing too drastic when it comes to the health and well being of your child. In Florida, the court’s decision is based on who is the better parent; this means that fathers have rights that are equal to that of the mother.

Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL offer considerations when pursuing custody of your child:

Child’s age: If the child is at least 16 years of age, a judge may consider the child’s preference before making his final decision.
Cooperation between you and your ex-spouse: Are you able to make rational decisions that are mature and mutually supported? If you are in the process of a divorce and the custody arrangement isn’t working, the judge will assess the case to determine if the problems are being caused by an unwillingness of both parties to work together rather than the custody arrangement itself.
Character: In many instances, a child custody investigation can lead to providing proof of poor character of the mother. Fathers are often granted sole custody because the mother has been proven to be unfit in some form or another.
Stability along with your ability to provide for the child: Do you have a job with benefits including health care while your spouse does not? Do you have a home in a good neighborhood with plenty of space? Are you spending your time with your child or children when your ex-spouse is spending all her time out with friends or consumed with doing things for her enjoyment alone? All of these issues are taken very seriously when it comes to a child custody determination.

Family Law & Court Custody Issues

Most of us are ignorant when it comes to the rights involved in the issues of family law. Hiring a private investigator can provide you with a wealth of information and assistance. The experienced professionals at Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL are familiar with the laws regarding child custody and they can help provide you with the evidence you need if your ex-spouse is breaking them.

The services provided at Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL include:

Surveillance: Our highly trained investigators use video surveillance to monitor your spouse to determine how much time is being spent with your child and if your child is being left alone for long periods of time etc. Surveillance techniques can be used in court to determine if the child is being mistreated or neglected by the mother of the child.
Research: Our skilled investigators have the knowledge and understanding of the law along with access to research and documentation that is not available to you. Our investigations are thorough with no stone left unturned. Our understanding of the law can save you money, time and sanity. It can also help lower your anxiety regarding your lack of understanding or expectations of visits to the courtroom.
Documentation: Our knowledgeable investigators document everything no matter if it seems inconsequential at the time. We can provide a paper trail, which can help you justify and prove your reasoning when asking the court for custody of your child or children.

Child Custody, Civil & Criminal Private Investigations in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

Divorces are difficult, especially for the father so custody rights should not add to the already overwhelming amount of stress you are under. If you are seeking sole custody of your child especially if you believe that the mother is unfit or unstable, contact the experts at Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL today. Hiring our services can provide you with the first step in helping to ensure that the health and emotional well-being of your child or children is protected.

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