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Fraud Investigations in Hialeah, FL; Falsifying an Employee Time Card & Attendance

No different than employees stealing cash, when the staff commits time card fraud, it is a loss of revenue for your company. According to research, an astounding one of five workers have admitted to “buddy punching,” or clocking coworkers in or out fraudulently and nearly 45% of hourly workers have admitted to fudging the amount of hours they work. There are several types of jobs that are more prone to time card fraud, especially those that keep their own time sheets. We at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL can help you combat fraudulent and cheating employees.

Examples of Employee Time Card Fraud

1) Recording starting on time though they showed up late.
2) Taking extended lunch or breaks but reflecting the time cards as normal allotted breaks and lunch.
3) Reporting after hours work without contributing anything.
4) Employees engaged in personal activities excessively while on the clock.
5) While on the clock, employees engage in any activities that are a conflict.

Tips for Employers to Prevent Time Card Fraud

Employees must know and be aware of all company policies and procedures. Check with Human Resources to make sure such a document of an employee agreement that outlined the rules and policies is signed and is in their file. If there isn’t one, have them sign one, including any that pertain to electronic or handwritten timesheets. It is important that as an employer, you set boundaries and enforce how the staff uses company assets. Verbal warnings are often enough to alter behavior that might be crossing the line. If necessary, ensure the employees understand there will be serious repercussions if they continue their behavior. A specific written policy regarding all timekeeping tasks should be developed and the more detailed the better. Additionally, all supervisors and managers should be properly trained and know about all timekeeping wage and hour laws in addition to your policies. Have them check and sign off on the timesheets to ensure the honesty of the employees stays true. Any employees who work remotely or on the road to make sure timesheets are accurate and reliable after implementing a specific process.

Hiring a Private Detective to Investigate Time Card Manipulation

You can invest in time and attendance software, apps, GPS technology, and even biometric time clocks to help eliminate fraud. However, if you suspect employees are committing time card fraud, hiring a private investigator cannot only prove your suspicions but have the evidence for legal documentation or even pressing charges. Surveillance is primarily the method to gain the evidence. The photo and video evidence provided by your private investigator will help prove termination with cause and protect you against a lawsuit in the event you decide to terminate your employee. Not only can private investigators be useful to discover misuse of company assets among thee employees, but before your hire anyone, you can have us perform a full background checks to confirm their identity and ensure they do not have criminal records or problems with previous employers.

Fraud Investigations & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

If you want to ensure your employees are not committing time card fraud, call in the experts of Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL and we will investigate the employees who are suspected of taking advantage and stealing revenue. Also, our experts are skilled and trained specialists who can perform complete background checks on any future employees. Contact us for more info!

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