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Do Stalkers Ever Stop? Signs, How to Prove & What to Do If You’re Being Stalked or Harrassed In Miami, FL

Stalking is one of the most serious threats that one can encounter. Stalking can arise from many different things. The person may be someone you know or have never met before. A man may stalk a woman, or a woman can stalk a man. Sometimes even the same sexes will stalk each other. There are cases when someone is being stalked without them even realizing it. That’s why it’s important to be aware of your surrounding and to note possible stalkers. Advanced Private Investigator and Security of Miami FL will help you know when you’re being stalked and what you can do to protect yourself.

How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes; Be Aware of Surroundings

It’s most important to be aware, for its far better to stop a stalker before they get more aggressive. That is why you must be aware of people around you. Everyone gets caught up in the ruckus of their busy lives. Most of us never take the time to look around. To keep safe, take a look around your home before you leave and when you return. Should you see any suspicious people or person take note. This advice applies when you run errands, go to work, or go on lunch breaks. If you’re beginning to notice the same person in these various areas, that’s a red flag. Parents should also teach this to their children. If they take the bus, or walk home, teach them to pay attention. Kidnappers often stalk children for awhile before they abduct them. However for the unseen stalker there are also other signs you can be aware of.

Signs You’re Being Stalked

– Repeated calls to your phone, especially if the caller hangs up without saying a word. When this happens try to keep a record when the calls are made.
– If you have received unwanted letters, gifts, texts, or emails; this is a sign of stalking. In these cases the person is usually someone you know.
– If you keep finding damages done to your home, car, or other property, you may or may not know the stalker.
– With our modern technology, our Iphones come with a “find my phone” app. If a crazy ex knows your Itunes account information, they can track your phone and in a sense, know your location. So if a family member you have severed ties with, or an angry ex keeps showing up and you have no clue on how they are doing that, change your Itunes account information.
– Keep in mind they don’t need to know you to find out about you. Many stalkers will use public records or online searches to learn more about who you are. With the more aggressive stalker, they may pretend to know you and ask co-workers, friends, or family about you. If you catch wind that someone’s been asking about you and you have no idea who they are, you have the right to be concerned.
– An aggressive stalker may often begin sending threats to you. Many times they will threaten to hurt you, your friends, family, and even your pets.
If you are feeling controlled, tracked, or you are frightened by an outside person, you are being stalked and need help.

What to Do if You’re Being Stalked

So the next question is what to do once you’re being stalked? First you will want to go to the police and file a report. In most cases law enforcement only takes action if two or three serious events of stalking occurs. That is why it is important to write down each event as it happens. You can also hire a private investigator. We have the means to track down and gather evidence on your stalker in the event you want to press charges.

Private Investigations & Surveillance in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

Remember — don’t be a victim of stalking just because you’re caught up in your busy life. You needn’t live in fear that someone’s out to get you either. That’s no way to live. However you must be aware. Look around you when you’re outside of your home. If you keep seeing the same person, car, etc. take a picture of them with your phone. Take a photo of their car and license plate number. It also helps to look everyone in the eye. This is also good for self-defense. Attackers or stalkers don’t like it when you make note of them and their face. Sometimes this is enough to make them go away. If you are being stalked, or if your life is being threatened, Advanced Private Investigator and Security of Miami FL will be there to help you. We are just a call away.

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