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Classic Warning Signs of Partner Adultery & Infidelity in Boca Raton, FL; Is Your Husband or Wife Cheating on You?

Adultery leads to marriages being destroyed. Finding out your spouse has been unfaithful can be devastating. Statistics show that a wife that suspects her husband is cheating is right 85% of the time and husbands who suspect their wives are cheating are right 50% of the time.

List of Classic Warning Signs Your Spouse Might be Cheating on You

1. Changing passwords often or password protecting everything. If your spouse is changing computer, email, phone and social media passwords more than they used to, they might be trying to hide something. There’s never a good reason to protect passwords from your spouse.
2. Social media profiles. Spouses who cheat like to make their social media profiles show “single”. They will hide pictures of the two of you together and switch them out for solo pics or pictures with friends. If your spouse is spending more time on social media be a red flag.
3. Cellphone usage. Open relationships are healthy ones. If your spouse immediately moves to another room when they answer their phone, they are probably hiding something from you. The only time this is acceptable is if they’re planning your surprise birthday party. Your spouse shouldn’t have any problem taking a call right in front of you.
4. Levels of intimacy change. Spouses might feel guilty and will want to be more intimate to make themselves feel better, or their desire for intimacy might decrease because they’re getting it elsewhere.
5. Browser & cell phone history being cleared often. If you notice your spouse’s cellphone history or computer history is always cleared they may be doing it to hide something form you rather than for security reasons.
6. More social activities. Keep an eye on how many social get togethers they’re attending alone, as nights out with friends or business events are often used as cover-ups.
7. Increased cash spending. Spouses that cheat like to use cash to cover up where the money is going rather that credit cards. Check where the extra money is going if money seems to be tighter than normal.
8. Care of physical appearance. You need to be careful not to make assumptions with this one. Your spouse might be trying harder to look good for work or to get your attention. If their new look is combined with some of the other signs you might have a problem. Outward appearance will be more important to those looking for a new relationship.
9. Picking fights. Cheating spouse will look for a way to put blame on you to make you feel lousy. Picking fights is a classic ploy because it’s easy to blame you if you’re always arguing.
10. Lots of gifts. Unfaithful spouses like to buy lots of gifts to make themselves feel less guilty. You might want to find out what the motivation is for their sudden generosity.

Noticing at least four of these signs means you need to have a talk with your spouse. Try and be careful and not have a right-out accusation until you know for sure. But have a conversation to try and understand what might be going on.

Private Investigators for Cheating Spouses in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

Hiring a private investigator takes the emotion out of the equation if you have suspicions. We can find more information in less time and remain emotionally detached. Evidence put together by a private investigator is more concrete than what you find and the information we gather will stand up in court. Contact Advanced Private Investigator and Security Of Boca Raton FL with any questions you might have when it comes to catching a cheating spouse.

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