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  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
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  • Surveillance Services

CCTV Nanny Cam Surveillance Installation Options in Your Fort Lauderdale, FL Home

Too many times in the news we hear about terrible things done to children while in the care of a sitter. Sitters are supposed to take care of your child with love and affection, attend to their needs, and ultimately give you a piece of mind that your most “prized possession”, your child, is in safe hands. Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set or monitor.

Options for Monitoring

One step you can take is to install a nanny cam. These are very popular and come in all shapes and sizes. The purpose is to capture and record videos. Wired cameras connect to your main security system and wireless cameras use signals to transfer data wirelessly to a receiver or recorder. They can be placed anywhere around your house and in multiple areas. Features to look at when choosing one are the battery time, high definition image options, rechargeable battery, self-installation, and cost. Another option is the use of audio recorders which are small gadgets that capture sound. They are small and easy to hide and any yelling, shouting or crying will be recorded. Making an unannounced, surprise visit home is a step you can take as well as talking with your neighbors to let them know you have a sitter and to ask them to look and listen for anything unusual.

Nanny Cam Advantages

Nanny cams allow covert surveillance. They can be concealed in clocks, stereos, books and other household appliances. Keep the devices away from plain sight. They should not be visible to your sitter or nanny. These can provide insight into your babysitter’s behavior and helps give you an objective perspective. You can see images from anywhere. Newer smartphones offer push notifications to keep customers alerted of important information, like when someone enters room or a specific area or comes to the door you’ll be alerted. This notification will take you to a live feed to see what’s going on and can be done through email as well.

Should the Caregiver Know about the Nanny Cam?

The respectful approach would be to tell the caregiver about the cameras. The purpose of the cameras is to ensure your children are safe, not to trap the nanny into doing something wrong. These not only watch your children to ensure their safety but monitor that work is being done instead of texting, watching TV all day, sleeping, etc. Reassure your caregiver that you’re just taking steps to make sure you can feel confident and comfortable about your children’s safety when you’re not around. Most caregivers will not have a problem with the presence of nanny cams in the home. If they do, then you probably don’t want them in your home around your children anyway.

CCTV Surveillance System Installation in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Miami Gardens Florida

If you suspect that there’s something off with your child’s caregiver, you may need the help of CCTV. Be aware of your child being scared of the sitter or behavior changes, and take note of frequent accidents and signs of abuse. The bottom line is to trust your gut feeling and to give Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida a call.

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