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Anonymous Phone Calls and Hidden Text Message Signs? How to Catch a Cheating Husband or Spouse

No one wants to believe that their spouse is cheating, however if you have a gut feeling, noticed a questionable email or text message, or an anonymous phone call, your suspicions may be peaked and you may begin to worry. Late nights at work and unexpected events that require a trip out of town can put your senses on alert and leaving you questioning your spouse and their truthfulness. Discovering that your spouse is cheating is a painful and unwanted truth to fall upon. However, being completely in the dark and not having a clue to what is going on can make the hurt sting a lot more.

Dressing and Smelling Better: Could be a Sign of Cheating

There are some common signs that a cheating spouse often gives unconsciously as clues to you and they are things that you should pay attention to. According to a handful of divorce lawyers, one of the first signs that can reveal your spouse is cheating is when they begin to dress better, or make more of an effort when it comes to their appearance. Another sign that usually accompanies the fancier dress attire is the wearing of a new cologne or perfume. This could be a fragrance that the person they are cheating with gave them or prefers.

Cell Phone Infidelity Cheating Signs

If your spouse seems to be very protective of their cell phone, this could be another sign that they are cheating on you. They may be living with the fear of a phone call or text message coming through from the person they are cheating on you with. Although all emails and text messages can be deleted, there is a fear that one may slip through or be forgotten about and if you search through their phone, you may discover the proof of an affair. Pay attention to how possessive your spouse is of their cell phone. There is invisible spyware available you can install on your spouse’s phone that shows you exactly what they are seeing, hearing, saying and doing – even when they change their sim card.

Case of Credit Card Cheating

Taking out a new credit card in their own name allows the cheating spouse to buy unauthorized purchases for the person they are having an affair with, without you having any idea. How can a cheating spouse take out the person they are having an affair with when the charge will come up on a shared account? This can easily be avoided by getting a new credit card that you are not on. Gifts can easily be purchased, dinner bought and flowers sent without you knowing about it.

Dealing with a Cheating Spouse

If you suspect your spouse is cheating, but you cannot be completely sure, you do not want to confront them without the proper proof. Recently some online cheating websites have been hacked and personal information of users posted online. It started with a site called Adult Friend Finder in May and most recently Ashley Madison earlier this month. It is purported that the promise by Ashley Madison that users could pay a small fee of $19 would scrub their personal information from their data bases is false and the hackers are out to prove it. The hackers say that if Ashley Madison and similar sites do not take down their sites, they will release private information of users including customer records (real names and addresses), nude photos, online conversations, credit card transactions and sexual desires. This is not the way that you want to find out your spouse has been cheating. Contact Advanced Private Investigator and Security to find out discreetly and with certainty.

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