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Advanced Fee Scheme 419 Email Letters Nigerian Scammer Stories in Coral Gables, FL & Beyond

Historically, the oldest and longest running scam is the Nigerian Scam. All scams depend upon the greed of the victim. It started in the 1920’s and with the aid of the internet proliferates today. Known then as ‘The Spanish Prisoner’ a large financial reward was promised to those who would help liberate the poor boy languishing in a Spanish prison. Directed to the well heeled of the 20’s it morphed into the ‘Nigerian Scam’ where:

Nigerian Scammer Stories

1: A Nigerian prince is fleeing his country and needs a place to park a large some of money preferably in “your” account, with an implied reward, a rich reward, or:
2: A Nigerian entrepreneur is trying to establish an import of goods from Nigeria to the US. They are looking for an overseas “partner” to obtain money that was tied to a grossly over charging of contracts involving a former military government. According to the scam they need a third party not related to the Nigerian government to claim the money. The money would pay handsomely, 1.2% of $21 million dollars US. The bulk going to start up the import business.

Advanced Fee Scheme Definition

Not only Americans, but this scam plagues European and Asian countries as well. Known as the 419-advanced fee scam, it has cost Americans over $100 million spanning only 15 months according to a 1997 report by agent Caldwell of the US Secret Service’s Financial Crimes Division. The 419 refers to the Nigerian penal code for advanced fee scams. Not only Nigeria but other countries like Sri Lanka needing to move diamonds or gold ingots. But the primary elements, are that it is foreign based story, making it difficult to check on, some US persons don’t follow local news let alone any foreign developments. And to most all ‘third world countries’ are rift with government corruption and vice. So, the schemes grab the imagination. It just that they need some money to grease the wheels to get the big bucks rolling across the borders. Of, course the primary element is the mark’s greed, get rich quick, short cuts etc., and explains when the scam is realized that many times its not reported due to embarrassment. It doesn’t end with the initial payment. Delays, problems always cost more, ‘we’re so close, just a few more dollars and we’ll be there.’ It goes on until the mark has come to the realization he/she has been had.

Identity Theft

Now, we have the internet. Wow, the scam has perpetrated in phishing scams and financial scams. They obtain account information then clean you out. If they get your personal info they may even indulge in some ‘identity theft’ or other criminal operations.

Nigerian Scammer Gets Scammed

Sidwell Police in Louisiana in December, 2017 filed 269 counts of wire fraud and money laundering against 67 year old Michael Neu for conducting the Nigerian Prince scheme. Neu even sent money to co-conspirators in Nigeria.
The Nigerian Scam will probably be around 50 years from now. This scam is notoriously difficult to prosecute unless the primary players are domestic. Across international lines it is difficult to fix jurisdiction. With the internet it is difficult to put an individual behind a keyboard when the crime is committed. Many people having access to a computer makes it nearly impossible without logins to know who is operating the machine and committing the crime. This is the Achilles heal of all computer crimes and prosecution.

Private Investigations & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

Because of the jurisdictional problems, this is a scam uniquely one where the private investigator is the ideal investigator. Having allegiance to the client, and no jurisdiction, a private investigator is the primary resource for possible adjudication of the crime available if the players and victim’s cross international boundaries. Perpetrators and scams originating in Africa are hard to find and resolve. Many scams are domestic, these scams may be resolved. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL offers professional private investigations and security services. Contact us today!

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