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In Depth Criminal Background Checks

Call Us at (305) 677-3760 or (954) 300-4991 to Get the Answers You Seek Today!

Advanced Private Investigators & Security of Miami, FL performs in depth criminal background checks for our valuable clients who want to check out individuals to determine the risk of bringing that individual inside their organization, home or social circle. Not every crime will prevent you from engaging with that person, but it can provide you an overall sense of the individual. A criminal background check will give you a more informed view on the individual’s responsibility, character, customer, family and asset exposure, including additional criteria. Advanced Private Investigators & Security of Miami, FL’s in depth criminal background checks outline misdemeanors and felonies on county, state, and federal levels.

What Can Be Revealed in a Background Check?

Misdemeanors: In most cases, misdemeanors are criminal offenses that carry up to a year in jail; other punishments include probation, fines, community service, and restitution. Some steps also have levels of misdemeanors depending on the severity of the crime and circumstances.
Felonies: The most serious of criminal offenses are felonies. Felonies usually involve serious physical or threat to harm as well as fraud schemes and white collar crimes. Felonies are also subdivided depending on the facts. When it comes to the criminal background check, Advanced Private Investigators & Security of Miami, FL researches national criminal records, federal criminal records, state criminal records, and county criminal records for a detailed report.
National Criminal Search: A search of the entire United States, this search is not a federal level search. This search is often helping us get pointed in the direction to other criminal searches. If a hit comes back from a query of millions of records, Advanced Private Investigators & Security will research the counties showing a possible record.
Federal Criminal Search: Federal criminal searches will locate records within the federal jurisdictions in a District anywhere in the United States. It does not include state or county records.
State Criminal Search: A statewide criminal records search may not include county records, making a county search necessary. The state criminal search can be used to cover potential records outside the county.
County Criminal Search: The most records are generally found on the county level. These records may not be found on federal or state searches and it completes the in-depth criminal background check. Home county and past counties of residence should be checked.

Professional Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation & Miami Gardens Florida

Regardless of disposition (guilty, dismissed, and so on), all felony and misdemeanor criminal records, as well as cases tried in local jurisdictions, are housed at the county court. When it comes to a criminal background check, Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL performs an in-depth investigation. We thoroughly check for criminal records, so you have a clearer understanding of the person’s history and capabilities. When you need a comprehensive criminal background check completed, you want the experienced investigators of Advanced Private Investigators & Security of Miami, FL to conduct it to make sure it is done accurately, efficiently and factually with high-quality execution. Contact us today!

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