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  • Surveillance Services
  • Private Investigation Services
  • Private Security Services
  • Private Investigators, Security & Background Checks
  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
  • Professional Private Investigation Services
  • Surveillance Services

Types of Security Options in Hollywood, FL; Undercover Plain Clothes, Uniformed Guards & More

Security is implemented to prevent harm, either physical, psychological or economically. Personal protection is security of a person(s), i.e. bodyguards. Security guards are used to prevent harm to patrons, clients, customers and employees. Computer security specialists and techs are in place to protect communications, data and computers from intrusion, data alteration and loss. Architectural security is physical security applied to the design of the building to aid in security efforts. Retail stores, hotels and motels, corporate and business premises, government agencies all benefit from the uniformed presence of security guards. Armed security usually carries a firearm. Unarmed usually have blunt trauma tools like extendable batons and PR-24 style batons plus most security carry some sort of deterrent chemical device or electronic stun tool.

Security Overreaction & Underreaction

As can be seen security crosses many types of activities to ensure the peace of mind of both clients and employees. And there is a lot of personal responsibility. Overreact and you create a public incident. Underreact and you have possible casualties. All impact the reputation of the institution.

Undercover Plain Clothes & Uniformed Security Guards

Shoplifters, employee theft, shipping dock theft and other forms of theft or fraud can be expected to occur in any and all retail operations. Embezzlement by officers or others is rampant in many industrial and service sector operations. A combination of plain clothes and uniform personnel offer the most effective security combination. Uniformed personnel are a deterrent while plain clothes are unseen.

Types of Electronic Surveillance

Electronic surveillance is probably one of the fastest expanding methods of ensuring security. The video camera is the primary surveillance method in public places. Public places like casinos, parks and retail stores use technical surveillance with a combo of live cameras and faux cameras. A little pricey up front but will last a fairly long time with little expense, coupled with a computerized digital recording you don’t have to worry about media change like the older VHS tape units, it just overwrites the data every three days or so.

Personal Protection Bodyguards

Personal protection calls for quick wit and close combat skills. In many situations the action happens too close and rapidly for the guard to pull a tool or weapon to nullify an attack. The agent must be able to neutralize the threat using open hand weaponless techniques. You must protect your client in the most restrained and low-profile manner possible. Negative reaction to overt or overly emphasized techniques are bad for you and your client.

Home Security Systems & Devices

Electronics has expanded the home security market with cameras. The ability to use your smart phone to check interior and exterior cameras, proximity alarms and of course perimeter alarms for doors and windows. Ornamental iron work over the windows, unlockable from the inside, with metal framed doors with long throw bolts can secure your home. The alarms act as a deterrent providing protection over the property and residents. Keeping the door locked while home can protect against home invasions. Panic alarms and saferooms can round out your protection. Lights play a big part in promoting building and home security. A combination of barriers, like fences and walls or a screen door to protect when answering the door. A good security for the home is usually a combination of the above techniques.

Security Services & More in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

So, check with a pro and protect your business, home or yourself. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale Florida can handle all your private investigator and security needs. Contact us today!

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