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  • Private Investigators, Security & Background Checks
  • Greater Miami Private Investigator & Security Services
  • Professional Private Investigation Services
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Skip Trace. How to Find or Track Someone Down in Plantation City, FL; Surveillance & More

When you need to track down or locate a person that has intentionally disappeared or perhaps they may have just faded away due to time and life. However, when a situation arrives that this person is needed and they cannot be found, then you may need some assistance in locating said person. This is where a professional investigator can help. If you seek the aid of a professional investigator, they can help locate the person you are looking for. Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL will share how we can help locate a person.

Locating People or Skip Tracing

When speaking with a professional investigator they will provide many services including locating a person which is often referred to as Skip Trace or Locate People investigations. There are a number of situations as to why a person may need to be located. For example:
• A person may need to be located who is a debtor and they have defaulted on payments.
• You may require the person’s address that may have obligations through the family courts.
• A person may have skipped bail or missed their court hearing.
• A person may also need to be located who has assets or needs to claim an inheritance.
These are some of the most common reasons why a person may need to be located. However, there are no limits as to why a person may need to be located. When you seek the aid of a professional investigator, we use a variety of methods or techniques to locate the person in question. Each case may vary and it will especially vary when it comes to how long the person has been out of contact. When seeking the aid of an investigator we will usually cover the basics.

How to Track a Person

Basic methods of locating a person are:
Researching Records: Unless the person is attempting to completely disappear and change their name and such, they will leave a paper trail. There are a number of search resources that a private investigator has access to such as courthouse, libraries, house records, and other public records such as postal information provided by the United States Post Office. Some additional public records are financial, business and court based data that will follow the name of a person.
Surveillance: If a person is hiding out, a private investigator will seek the person by trailing their past habits. They may use surveillance methods to wait and watch for the person they are looking for. They may watch their favorite bars or hangouts.
Background Investigation: To provide the investigator with more information about the person they are looking for, they may perform background investigations. They’ll even seek out family members of known friends and ask them questions about the person to get a better understanding of the habits and past behavior. However how far they look will depend on how long the person has been missing or if they appeared to have vanished intentionally.

Private Investigator & Security Services in Greater Miami, Sunny Isles, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Weston, Plantation City & Miami Gardens Florida

When hiring a private investigator to help locate a person it is important to use a fully licensed investigator that can investigate individuals throughout the state. Some may only be licensed in one or a few states. If you need help locating a person, contact Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Miami FL. We have experience with locating a person, skip trace and other cases.

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