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Fort Lauderdale, FL Fraud Investigations

Fort Lauderdale’s Trusted Private Investigator | (954) 300-4991

Fraud is a serious issue that many companies and corporations struggle with daily. Every year companies lose money to fraudulent transactions taking place in the workplace. The good news is that if you are struggling with fraud in your company, you can turn to Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale, FL to help put it to an end. We will conduct a fraud investigation that helps to uncover what is going on so that you can start working toward recovery.

Types of Fraud

Fraud can happen in many different ways. Some of the most common kinds of fraud include:
– Insurance Fraud: When someone attempts to get money from their insurance company by making a false claim or even insurance companies refusing to honor a genuine claim are types of insurance fraud.
– Corporate Fraud: If wrongdoings are being done that hurt the reputation of a corporation like database breaches, stealing information from the company, compromising customer’s information or even theft, all fall under the umbrella of corporate fraud.
– Financial Fraud: There are many ways financial fraud takes place. Things like corruption, embezzlement, bribery and other crimes can be counted as financial fraud.
– Inventory Theft: If you have employees that are sneaking goods away from the company and claiming that they have expired or simply been damaged or lost, it is a type of fraud. Some employees will even steal by ordering more goods than are necessary for their own gain.
– Worker’s Comp Fraud: Some employees will stage or exacerbate injuries in an accident in an attempt to commit worker’s comp fraud and take advantage of funds that aren’t rightfully theirs.

How Do You Conduct an Effective Fraud Investigation?

If you have a need for fraud investigations, there is no one more qualified to handle it than Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale, FL. We will be able to uncover the truth of the dealings that are going on within your corporation that will allow you to put an end to the fraud that is taking place. We will use background checks, interviews, surveillance, undercover operations and other investigative methods that are helpful in finding and documenting the proof that you need in order to take the steps necessary to put an end to it.

Fraud Prevention Services

There are some protocols that can be put in place to help safeguard your company from future fraud as well. At Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale, FL, we have experienced anti-fraud consultants that will ensure you aren’t exposed for this to easily happen again.

Civil Investigations in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

At Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Fort Lauderdale, FL, we have a team of investigators that will conduct fraud investigations with the utmost discretion. We understand that these situations can be sensitive and will treat them as such. You can count on us to find the proof that you need of any fraud taking place within your company. It is our goal to help you avoid fraud in any form. Call us today!

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