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Boca Raton, FL Divorce Investigations

Boca Raton’s Most Trusted Private Investigator | (954) 353-4010

Divorces can be filled with emotion that can lead to a complicated court proceeding. In these situations, it is often necessary to hire the private investigators at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Boca Raton, FL to carry out a divorce investigation. As our investigators work to gather evidence and sure up a case, we will be discreet as we understand that these are incredibly personal matters that we are dealing with and investigating. We often work with legal teams as we uncover issues with infidelity, child abuse, violence, and other serious allegations.

Importance of Gathering Evidence

When you are in the midst of a divorce, you are more than likely going to need a great deal of evidence to prove your case. The investigators at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Boca Raton, FL can use many different methods to find the evidence that we need to help our clients in their divorce. We have resources that most people don’t have at their disposal and the training necessary to find the information we need. Without evidence, you will have a hard time winning any case.


One of our most effective tools in gathering necessary information is through surveillance. We can find out a lot about a person when our investigators carry out sophisticated surveillance. When you rely on us for surveillance, we provide our clients with photo and video evidence when surveillance is complete. If there are questions about child abuse or endangerment, we can often gather that evidence through surveillance.

Asset Searches

Often, spouses will attempt to hide assets from their spouses in a divorce. No matter how hard they try, they are no match for the investigators at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Boca Raton, FL. Our investigators will uncover any assets that your spouse is trying to hide from you. Whether it is property, money, vehicles, or hidden accounts, there is nothing that we won’t find. It is our goal to find what is rightfully yours so that your spouse doesn’t get away with hiding assets that should be shared.

Digital Searches

Another way of gathering evidence is through digital searches. There is a great deal of information that is often shared online. Our team of highly qualified investigators can uncover the truth about things like infidelity when we do a thorough digital search of your spouse. This can be a difference maker in any divorce investigation. We can find any erased history, hidden accounts, chats, old emails, deleted messages and other hidden digital content.

Divorce Investigations in Boca Raton, Florida

If you’re facing a divorce that is proving too difficult to handle on your own, you can turn to the investigators at Advanced Private Investigator & Security of Boca Raton, FL to gather the information you’re looking for. We work with our clients to help them come out on top of their divorce. We have many resources at our disposal to help our clients get the answers they are looking for. Call us today!

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